... leaves Nika a little stiff, as you can see. Here I am, holding the paper I have been writing all week. The good news is that I am putting it down, at least for Friday night (and maybe for Saturday, too--hmmm). My research professor evaluated my first draft of writing this morning (thumbs up!) ...
Shh …
It's hard to keep my mind quiet. I am supposed to be reading. I am supposed to be writing. I am supposed to be thinking grand thoughts. Instead, I am coming up with stuff like: "What in the world is that pigeon eating?" or "Oh man. I got a new floater in my eye." P.S. (Happy Birthday ...
Public Service Announcement
When a group of seven or so highschoolers walk together, they will spread out long, like a cordon sweeping across the sidewalk. Nobody wants to be the one who is behind the group. So they walk side-by-side, shoulder-to-shoulder. They will subtlely push people off the path so that they can pass by in ...
I’m fixin’ to …
These English teachers up here kid me and giggle when I say this. I explain that I appreciate correct grammar, sure, but I also love the freckles in language too much to try to rub them out. I adore colloquialisms and am a sucker for dialects. In fact, I wanted to teach my friends how to use "fixin' ...
No Other Canopy
This morning I reunited with my friends, and there was a catch in my voice when I greeted them. We all admire and genuinely love one another. After studying for three years, this is our last summer. A few may stay in touch, but we know that some of us may not. As far as education graduate ...