As I drove six hours home from a speaking engagement in west Texas, I heard a voice in my heart: “Draw near to me, and I will draw near to you.”
It is from James 4:8, a verse I had read many times. In that moment, the written Word of God became the whispered Word of God. I knew He was calling me into a deeper relationship with Him. I could sense He was ready to bring me to a more intimate level of trust.
So often, God speaks to me by bringing Scripture to my to my mind. Because I am so encouraged by this, I seek ways for it to happen more often. I post Scripture all over my house, pinning it on mirrors and under magnets. I keep it on a sticky note on my car’s dashboard. I put it into clipboards in the kitchen. I want to hear His voice, and if ever there is a time I feel the silent distance, I press into the Word. Instead of begging Him to say something new, I meditate on what He has already said.