My idea with this wall was to cover it with a constant rotation of butcher paper, upon which would be scribbled our thinking maps, graphs, word studies, predictions and blah, blah, blah.
I was going to need so much butcher paper, I thought, that I didn’t want to be walking down to the office/workroom every day. No, I decided I needed an entire roll of butcher paper to myself to keep in my room! But I was too cheap to buy a $35 roll at my local TeachMart, of course, so I went to Home Depot and bought a $9 roll of builder paper. Same thing as butcher paper, right? In fact, it’s better because there are more feet on a roll and the craft brown goes with my color scheme. Cute. Cute. Cute.
Nope. Nope. Nope. I hung one length of builder paper on the wall one time. It is twice as thick and heavy, so rolling up blue painter’s tape behind it did not hold. Neither did pasting the painter’s tape across the paper in front. Neither did pushpins, which popped out of the wall. Neither did alligator clips hung on nails, which somehow let go of the paper, it was so heavy.
So I had a blank wall for six weeks. I never went to the office to get my trusty butcher paper; I was too mad. I am going to make this work this six weeks, I don’t know how!
Because a banner like “Our Thinking” hanging over a blank wall, is just too much.